Offer a Flower Bouquet
Every occasion has its bouquet of flowers. Whether as a gift or to decorate your interior, our flower service is at your disposal in Paris' 7th arrondissement. Our harmonious arrangements are made from fresh-cut flowers and leaves to ensure a long-lasting freshness. Ephemeral, yet unique, the beauty of your flower bouquets is incomparable. Our custom-made, personalised creations will let your imagination run wild.
As we devote our attention to your requests and needs, we can create simple round bouquets as well as more artistically complex compositions from seasonal flowers, wildflowers, and even exotic flowers. We can advise you when choosing a bouquet, whether it is roses or a floral composition. We also have a range of vases at your disposal to embellish our creations.
Every occasion has its bouquet of flowers. Whether as a gift or to decorate your interior, our flower service is at your disposal in Paris' 7th arrondissement. Our harmonious arrangements are made from fresh-cut flowers and leaves to ensure a long-lasting freshness. Ephemeral, yet unique, the beauty of your flower bouquets is incomparable. Our custom-made, personalised creations will let your imagination run wild.
As we devote our attention to your requests and needs, we can create simple round bouquets as well as more artistically complex compositions from seasonal flowers, wildflowers, and even exotic flowers. We can advise you when choosing a bouquet, whether it is roses or a floral composition. We also have a range of vases at your disposal to embellish our creations.