Offer a Rose Bouquet
The rose bears a long history through poetry and symbolism. In our store in Paris' 7th arrondissement, we can offer you several varieties of flowers to compose your rose bouquets: red roses, white roses, pink flowers… We select the most beautiful, most fragrant, and freshest flowers to create your bouquets. Our selections are very rigorous, and we follow strict criteria to ensure we offer you the best possible options.
The rose bears a long history through poetry and symbolism. In our store in Paris' 7th arrondissement, we can offer you several varieties of flowers to compose your rose bouquets: red roses, white roses, pink flowers… We select the most beautiful, most fragrant, and freshest flowers to create your bouquets. Our selections are very rigorous, and we follow strict criteria to ensure we offer you the best possible options.
In a harmonious symphony of shape and colour, we offer you unique bouquets that reflect your taste, the occasion for which you have chosen it, and the message you wish to convey. Our personalised approach is demonstrated through custom-made bouquets, crafted with utmost care. Both in-store and online, you'll find bouquets with a variety of flowers, floral arrangements, as well as vases to embellish your bouquets.